3 Crucial Steps to a Successful SaaS Customer Onboarding

Deploying a new SaaS product takes years of development and preparation, not to mention the amount of resources being poured into it to perfect the product. Considering all the time, effort, and resources invested in the app, it would be a terrible waste if users couldn’t take full advantage of it. Whatever product is being developed by a SaaS company, they all need one crucial ingredient to make sure their product is a success—good customer training.

Even the most highly intuitive application in the market still requires some form of demonstration, manual, or training program in order for users to fully grasp the application’s capabilities. Unfortunately, quite a number of SaaS companies are unable to create effective onboarding programs for their customers. Here’s what you can do to create a holistic and engaging training experience that’s both efficient and value-adding to your SaaS applications.

1. Creating Smart Training Content

Unlike any other physical product that is being introduced in the market today, a SaaS application is a far more complex kind of “product” that involves a steep learning curve. For any user to understand and fully utilize your application, you need well-thought-out content for your training program.

Instead of relying on text-based presentations, slideshows, and static images, your training should employ a combination of text, video, infographics, and audio lessons. This is essential if you want to create entertaining, engaging, and easy-to-digest training content. This requires excellent insight into what possible support situations may arise in the future that would benefit from your training materials.

2. Developing Efficient and Supportive Training Programs

Once you’ve pinned down what type of training content you would like to have and in what format, proper execution would be the next logical step. Today, most SaaS companies rely too much on live demos of their product, which is an effective training tool, but it’s far too repetitive, time-consuming, and tedious to keep up. Every time a customer requests a demo, you need to have someone who knows everything about the application to onboard the customer.

Instead, hiring a training video developer would be a much better option. This can save you and your developers a lot of time doing the training yourselves. You can also employ an eLearning authoring tool or hire an eLearning course designer to help you create engaging and professional-grade training content. This can be a huge advantage as you don’t have to figure out how to create training materials by yourself.

3. Distributing Your Training Program

Creating an onboarding course and training program is just half the battle. The other half is distribution, which can be easily done with the help of a learning management system (LMS). These are mostly cloud-based solutions that allow businesses to store and distribute their training content in a quick and efficient manner. Learning management systems are designed by eLearning portal developers to make sure every user’s training experience is engaging and beneficial to the customer.


The work of a SaaS developer or company doesn’t stop when they launch their new product. They need to figure out how to effectively communicate with customers and educate them about the features and benefits of their application. These three steps are vital to making sure that your product is accessible and attractive to potential customers.

Bihasa is a digital learning company in the Philippines committed to helping SaaS developers and training agencies. We create professionally designed videos and learning courses that can help you make your customers understand you better and your products. Rely on our eLearning course designers and developers to help you take the leap in digital learning. Contact us today to get started!

3 Tips to Target the Right Audience for Your eLearning Course

After creating content for your eLearning course and having it developed, there comes the issue of putting it in front of the right audience. Your eLearning course will not take off without people who want to take it, after all, so targeting the appropriate prospective learners will be integral to the course’s success. 

Understanding your learners will require you to study all there is to know about them. This means that you’re not just going to focus on basic demographic data such as their age, occupation, and educational background. You’ll also have to take note of their expectations, goals, learning habits, and media preferences. Furthermore, you’ll need to employ a variety of strategies to engage with your potential audience. 

To get the right audience for your course and maximize its success, it’s vital to make use of the right strategies. With that in mind, here are some important tips to get you started:

Tip #1: Build a Solid Online Presence

Businesses today rely on the online world for numerous things, including finding the right sources. This applies to finding the right audiences for your eLearning course, so it pays to build a solid online presence. This way, the right target market will find its way to you. Keep in mind that your prospects are likely checking references online, which means checking reviews, publications, and anything else that could help them find the right training services. 

You’ll want them to find you, so showcase your website, build a portfolio, and above all, create quality content and course samples. More often than not, targeting the right audience means shrouding your business in everything they could possibly need. 

Tip #2: Talk to Your Intended Audiences Directly 

When building an eLearning course, it’s important to know exactly what your learners need. The best way to find the answer can be rather simple, depending on how you view it—simply talk to them! You can do so by setting up interviews, where you can ask the following questions:

  • What do you want to accomplish during the eLearning course?
  • What kind of issues do you usually run into while learning?
  • Do you have previous training experiences? What else do you think you still need to improve?

The information you’ve gathered should provide you with a clear understanding and insight into what needs to be done, particularly when it comes to matching your course with the right audience. 

Tip #3: Trust in Keywords and Google

Conducting extensive research is important, but you will need to dig deeper and put your research skills to work. This could mean scouring the internet for various keywords and search terms, making Google your new best friend. the more you research terms and concepts, the more you understand which audiences your eLearning course should target. 

You’ll want to back your searches up with data, however, so make sure to tie everything up with the information you’ve gathered from your social media reach and interviews.

Maximizing the Success of Your eLearning Course

Your audience is key to the success of your eLearning course, so it’s vital to learn how to better target and engage with them. Putting out content without the means to reach eager minds will make your efforts fruitless, but with these tips in mind, you can better achieve your goals. Of course, in conjunction with finding the right audience, you’ll have to keep them interested—having a well-designed course will ensure that you’re meeting their expectations.

If you’re on the lookout for online course development services in the Philippines, Bihasa is here to help. We’ll help you develop a powerful eLearning platform to digitize your content, maximize your training programs, and drive your business forward. Schedule a call with us today!

4 Ways to Implement Your eLearning Courses More Efficiently

Learning never stops, even when you’ve been out of school for years. It often involves multiple reviews of the course material to understand the message, especially when grappling with complex concepts—think about how many tries it took to nail down a math concept! For this reason, learners need to comprehend the subject well enough to apply it in real-life settings and confidently explain it to other people.

That means learners must dedicate themselves to actively understanding the topic, so learning and development teams must tailor their courses and training to support this mindset. They must also account for learners of different comprehension, retention, and application levels, ensuring no one gets left behind. Here are four ways to implement your eLearning courses and help your learners make the most of them:

1. Pace the Content

We live in an age where you can learn everything about anything through a simple search on Google, so you’ve probably collected a few fun facts along the way. However, that also means learners have been overwhelmed with information, which can hamper their intake concepts from your eLearning course. 

It’s also essential not to flood your learners with information, no matter how tempting it may be. Keep in mind that your learners have limited amounts of memory space and attention spans, so the more complex your course is, the less likely they’ll retain what they read. Less is more when creating eLearning course content, so avoid inundating your learners by pacing the information.

2. Opt for Blended Learning

Online learning has a ton of benefits, but you’ll want to employ blended learning for best results. Remember that you’ll be working with a group of learners with different needs, and teaching your course in person will help them catch up to their self-paced classmates and absorb the material better. 

To do this, figure out which parts of your course are complex and which ones are more easily digestible. Then, leave the tough topics for in-person learning, allowing learners to ask all their questions and clarify what they understand about the subject. You can leave assessments, workplace training, software training, and concepts that need extensive visualization toso your eLearning course.

3. Correct Mistakes and Reward Success

eLearning courses are meant to improve learners’ skills, help them work more efficiently, and boost their overall performance and productivity. It also helps learners get more noticed by employers, solve work-related issues, and unlock new skills that lead to better opportunities.

To encourage their progress, don’t forget to reward them, especially for taking the time to engage in your course and put effort into it. If the learners make unsuccessful attempts, be sure to correct them, which will put them back on track and make them feel more motivated to do well.

4. Gamify the Course

Some learners won’t see the point of your course until they’ve tried it out for themselves, but how do you get them to do this? By gamifying the training, of course! Not only will it pique their interest in the course, but it will also make them more motivated to win ‘points’ by dedicating themselves to learning the material. It also gives your learners a reason to enroll and view the course and activates their inner competitive spirit, encouraging them to do well.


Some people believe that learning or taking courses stops at school. However, acquiring new skills and picking up new information is a wonderful way to expand one’s knowledge and become a more competent employee. By practicing these tips, your learners will pick up your material faster, allowing you to train them more efficiently and achieve success for your business!

Bihasa is an online course development service in the Philippines that helps companies produce videos and design a system to arrange them into training material. As an e-learning course developer, we’ll take your content and turn them into digital courses, allowing your employees to refine or learn new skills at their own pace. Learn more about how we can help you by contacting us today!

Top Course Materials That Are Well-Suited for eLearning

Although traditional learning methods are still in use (even despite the setbacks of the COVID-19 restrictions), digital and eLearning platforms have been slowly gaining popularity among many organizations and industries. eLearning has enormous advantages over face-to-face learning activities, such as a streamlined delivery of the material and substantial monetary savings. 

Although there may still be some course material that will still be delivered best using the traditional methods, online learning continues to be the preferred method for many businesses. So, if you are thinking about incorporating eLearning into your operations, you have reached the right blog post! Here, we will discuss what training topics are best suited for online learning.

Top Course Materials that Are Well-Suited for eLearning

1 – Mandatory Compliance Training Courses

For most companies and organizations, compliance training is usually mandatory. To make this otherwise dull, dry, and run-of-the-mill content interesting for your training participants, it is vital to find the right eLearning platform. A suitable medium will allow you to customize your content and provide the best delivery to your participants.

2 – Business Correspondence

eLearning platforms will also benefit companies who need to roll out training to new clerical employees who need to know how to send emails and handle ad-hoc tasks preparing memos and other business documents. A versatile eLearning platform will allow you to craft aesthetically pleasing training videos that will be informative as well as mentally stimulating.

3 – Safety and First-Aid Training

This is another type of training that will most likely be mandatory for most companies. This training will be provided across all departments and will be needed to meet industry standards. eLearning platforms will track the participation and understanding of each participant to ensure that everyone meets these standards. 

4 – Brand-Specific Hospitality Training

Airline companies and hotel chains will benefit from using eLearning platforms because of the diverse nature of the jobs in this industry. Since there will be many different types of job descriptions and multiple shifts in a day, training a new employee in the front office department who works on the night shift will not be a problem. 

How to Know if Your Company Will Benefit from eLearning

After all that, how can you be sure that your company will benefit from eLearning platforms? The best way to determine if your content will work if delivered through an eLearning platform is if it meets at least one of these six criteria:

  • The topic is to be introduced to a large group of people.
  • The rollout is urgent.
  • This type of training is mandatory for your business.
  • Participants are located in different locations or time zones.
  • You have a diverse audience in terms of experience and ability.
  • Parts of your course are particularly challenging. 


If your business has course materials that fall under these categories, your employees may benefit from eLearning activities. However, as you go about finding the right online learning provider, consider the size of your business, your organization’s scope, and the nature of your content. Taking these factors into account will help you find a digital learning developer that will provide a powerful eLearning platform that will scale with your business as it grows.

If you are looking for an eLearning service provider that offers learning video production and a learning management system, Bihasa has everything you need! Bihasa is an e-Learning partner for SaaS companies, training agencies, and entrepreneurs. We aim to help companies develop learning videos and then create a system to organize them into an easily accessible course. Create your eLearning portal in the Philippines today! Interested companies may inquire about their e-Learning services by scheduling a call.

Creating an eLearning Course That Resonates: Part 2

If you wish to design an efficient eLearning course, you need to create engaging content. This is the only way you can command focus and attention from your learning community. We’ve previously talked about the importance of the planning phase, which involves conducting thorough research, setting objectives, and identifying the right instructional materials.

All of that will be for naught without the right content, but this is no easy task. To achieve this, you’ll need to be quick on your feet and strategically sound. You need to harness the power of art through various visual elements, all the while creating or curating compelling visuals that can make the experience memorable. 

To help further guide you through creating an eLearning course that resonates with your audiences, here’s part 2 of our mini-series. Take note of the tips below to make your learners come back for more:

The Content Creation Phase 

Guide Them Well: Start with clear instructions

eLearning courses can be a handful, especially if they do not come with clear instructions. By ensuring you write concise instructions, however, you make sure that your learners experience a stress-free course. Make sure to include directions regarding accessing content, along with the next steps they need to do. 

If they need to complete the entire course in a specific order, make sure to tell them. This also applies to courses done at their own leisure. The key is to let them know what they can and can’t do so that expectations can be set early on.

Create or Curate: Choose the right learning elements.

Choosing the right elements can be the most time-consuming and complicated phase of the entire process. You’ll need to focus on a myriad of key areas, which includes the following:

  • Texts
  • Video
  • Visual graphics
  • Audio
  • Animations
  • Interactions
  • Quizzes and other assessments

You’ll need to scour various tools and resources to help you create compelling eLearning content. There’s also the opportunity to develop custom multimedia elements, which includes the addition of various presentations, videos, and other resources that helps make the learning activities more interactive.

It’s important to keep the materials in a coherent sequence. This helps make the experience more fun and fulfilling. Anything less could cause them to abandon the material altogether, especially if they find certain resources, links, and other elements much too distracting. 

Leave Some Space: Avoid bulky text blocks in video presentations.

Make sure your text blocks remain readable. Too bulky text blocks either on your worksheets or learning videos can lead to a cognitive overload, which effectively compromises your audience’s ability to focus. You’ll want to incorporate the following elements instead:

  • Bullet lists
  • Headers for proper organization
  • Short bursts of texts 

Doing so ensures that your learners can focus on key points properly, allowing them to absorb what needs to be absorbed. Keep in mind that most people merely skim through long paragraphs, which never helps with knowledge retention. Your goal should be to improve comprehension—avoiding bulky text can help you do just that!

Getting Your eLearning Course Right

The content creation process can be even more difficult than the preparation stage. However, the tips listed above have been curated to help you create an eLearning course that resonates. Striking a balance between multimedia and reading materials should be your main goal, along with ensuring cohesiveness. Creating an eLearning course has never been easy—but planning thoroughly will guarantee your success. 

If you need help with the development, however, Bihasa offers you the best online course development services in the Philippines. We are a dedicated team of professionals specializing in turning your content into thoughtfully created digital courses. As an industry leader, we’ll make your eLearning courses happen—schedule a call today

Creating an eLearning Course That Resonates: Part 1

Designing eLearning courses may seem rather straightforward, but the end-to-end methods can be challenging. This is especially true if you have no idea where to begin as developing a comprehensive course entails a myriad of factors. This includes the tools you need to use, the parameters you need to set, and of course the bulk and meat of your program. 

Your primary goal would be to provide trainees with an exceptional eLearning experience, but you need to ensure that the project falls on a solid foundation of protocols. As you plunge into this new and daunting task, we’ve created a two-part series detailing the specifics of creating an eLearning course. 

Here, we dig deeper and guide you in creating a solid structure—one that’s guaranteed to help your course resonate across your audiences. Without further ado, here’s the first part of our series—the preparation phase:

The Preparation Period 

Elbow-deep: Conducting thorough research on the audience and subject 

When it comes to creating educational content, everything matters. You need to take every single part of your audience into account, especially their age, income level, existing knowledge, capabilities, time, and of course, the value they can gain from participating in the course. 

Your choice of educational tools and platforms will also play a crucial role in the success of your project, so how do you equip yourself with the proper foundation? Simple—conduct thorough research through the following tools:

  • Surveys
  • Polls
  • Interviews
  • Data analytics 

Playing SMART: Creating attainable objectives

Your eLearning course must exist for a reason—it needs to add valuable information and skills on the learners’ end. For this reason, you’ll need to ensure that your objectives and goals remain aligned. To do so, you need to come up with SMART objectives—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely. This should reflect not only on your end but your audience’s. 

As you plan the entirety of your content, make sure to break things down into manageable steps, which allows them to achieve better outcomes. This will ensure that your modules will later come up clear and insightful, especially if you focus on specific skills and topics per module. In doing so, you make learning remain fun and exciting—never digressing. 

Into Consideration: Determining the right instructional needs 

Research and objectives are crucial aspects of your preparation period, but so are the instructional needs. You need to understand and analyze the learning audience not just as customers, but their needs and expectations as customers. 

Make sure that the scope of content matches well with their expectations, especially when it comes to development. Learning about the need is one thing—creating actionable steps for implementation is another. If you want your eLearning course to resonate, put yourself in their shoes. 

Getting Your eLearning Course Right

The preparation phase can be demanding, but the tips listed above allow you a good starting point towards eLearning course creation. Obstacles will still be present, however, especially since you’ll want to create an intuitive and responsive material that connects with your audiences better. To learn more about eLearning courses, make sure to tune in for part 2 of our series!

If you need assistance, however, don’t fret. Bihasa offers you the best online course development services in the Philippines, guaranteed to turn your content into well-structured digital courses. Allow us to make your eLearning courses happen—reach out today.

Zoom Fatigue: How It Impacts Students’ Learning

Zoom shot to mainstream fame by May 2020, when most of the world was shut down to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. People still needed to earn money, and businesses still needed to stay afloat, which is how the video conferencing platform skyrocketed in usage, reaching a staggering 30 million users in a short amount of time. Zoom was essentially the lifeline that helped people stay productive and connected during an incredibly isolating and lonely time.

However, over a year later into the pandemic, it seems like remote instruction is here to stay. While most people believed that it would be left behind along with COVID-19 once things returned to normal, the reality is that it’s still as crucial as ever in providing digital learning to those who are stuck at home. 

Many organizations have deployed a hybrid model of teaching through zoom for synchronous learning and a learning management system for asynchronous learning.

Even so, most people are grappling with the challenge of Zoom fatigue, which continues to be a problem today. 

Here’s what you need to know about it and what you can do to combat it:

What Is Zoom Fatigue?

Zoom fatigue is the feeling of exhaustion that occurs after excessive video conferencing calls. It is more than a combination of tired eyes, an aching lower back, or a stiff neck; it’s also the mental fatigue of spending way too much time on these calls. 

Even though technology has advanced to provide us with instant access to video and audio conferencing, which is the closest thing to face-to-face interaction, some delays complicate the call. It may be possible to enable synchronous learning over technology, but it is hardly synchronized in real life due to various factors: Internet connectivity, participants’ devices, and many others.

Internet connection in the Philippines can be unreliable, especially in non-central areas. This means that should one learner be struggling with connectivity, their learning experience can be severely impacted. There is certainly a time and place for synchronous learning, but having asynchronous options ensures that everyone can benefit.

How Does It Affect the Way Students Learn?

Since humans are programmed to interact with each other in person, our brains are accustomed to interpreting body language and cues that occur in real-time. However, on a video call, things are never in real-time, and our brains know that something is off. Even if it’s just a millisecond, there will always be a lag, prompting the brain to look for solutions to resolve the lack of synchrony. As a result, the brain tires itself faster, inducing feelings of fatigue and anxiety.

Humans are more fulfilled after face-to-face encounters since these are rich with social signals that our brains are experts at figuring out. Video conferencing interrupts this since teachers rely on their students’ reactions, needing to pick up on subtle cues that help them gauge how students are feeling. Additionally, instructors appear less intimidating in a classroom setting since there is a physical distance between them. 

In video calls, faces are often blown up and can appear especially large on the monitor, which can be uncomfortable or intimidating for students. As a result, many have opted to turn their videos off, although instructors usually require students to keep their cameras on to encourage engagement. 

While there’s no doubt that fatigue falls upon students, it takes its toll on teachers as well. Delivering information over and over again for several hours can be extremely taxing, which is why a carefully planned presentation is key to success. Brevity is ever so important online.

Can It Be Alleviated?

Nothing will beat in-person learning, but video conferencing and online learning are here to stay. Luckily, making time for breaks is a great way to refresh everyone’s minds, allowing them to step away from the screen and rest their eyes. 

One key way to reduce Zoom fatigue is to look for opportunities to insert asynchronous learning. Not all information must be delivered to a live audience. Allowing students to begin their learning independently can actually increase the effectiveness of live sessions in the same way that flipped classroom techniques have already proven to improve learning. Since students arrive armed with background knowledge, the bulk of synchronous learning time can focus on questions, discussions, and engagement rather than the simple delivery of factual information.


Zoom fatigue can seriously impact the way students learn, as humans simply aren’t wired to interact with each other through a screen. However, by following our guide, you’ll experience less stress during video conferences.

Bihasa is a digital learning company in the Philippines that is the industry leader in online course development. We transform training modules into digital courses that are easy to deploy in corporate environments, providing exceptional learning experiences for everyone. Schedule a quick call with us to find out how we can help you bring top-tier courses to your company!

3 Main Benefits of Online Learning for Organizations in 2021

2021 is a hopeful year for many organizations as they open up local economies, opt for skeletal workforces, and have flexible processes for office deliverables. However, COVID-19 continues to be a concern for many, even as mass vaccination drives are ongoing. Unfortunately, smaller groups and organized teams are feeling this impact as they struggle in the remote working environment or work-from-home setups. The good news is online learning can be the bridge for these lapses. 

Online learning can meet these challenges and provide valuable spaces for upskilling, onboarding, and more. For organizations, professional training and development processes are at the core of a thriving, organized workforce, and e-learning courses, Internet-based training, and the like can meet these needs. 

One practical example of this is the Professional Regulation Commission’s thrust to promote digital learning to meet Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements through the CPD Accreditation System, allowing professionals and providers to process transactions while meeting social distancing protocols. If your organization endeavors to do the same in your own innovative way, consider the following benefits of working with a professional e-learning course developer: 

1. Provides employees with enough control to meet personal and professional development goals 

Online learning is different from in-person training because while you still are reaching a wide audience, you have the opportunity to channel the right content and training exercises for each employee. Think of it as a means of encouraging them to strive in their work and continue to push themselves out of their comfort zone. 

Through Internet-based professional development courses, you can reach out to trainers and other professionals in your field to mentor employees. Some can be more hands-on, while others can have plenary sessions. By giving staff enough options under their discretion while refining which kinds of training they can have, optimal control through goal setting and compliance processing can be achieved. 

2. Maximizes time and money while making learning opportunities more flexible and personalized 

During pre-pandemic times, most organizations conducted training sessions, seminars, and professional development events that lasted for weeks. While they often mean well, a majority of attendants end up wasting time and money on needless expenditures, like hotel accommodations, catering, and conference kits. Through online learning, you can meet social distancing guidelines and focus on cost-effectiveness by producing courses, virtual certificates, and pre-recorded talks. You end up with more returns on your investment and free time to do other necessary tasks. 

3. Offers legitimate reporting and compliance for staff’s training

Many employees would often either miss out on learning events and advancement courses when they were held as in-person affairs. They would use their connections to superiors and make excuses to not attend. Some would even be put under too much stress because they would have to work and undergo training on the same day, resulting in tiredness and underproductivity. 

With online learning, you can use technology to automate notifications, passwords, and other useful mechanisms to ensure all are compliant and can meet deadlines while improving their practice and skill set. You can also utilize accurate reporting to track each co-worker’s progress and set new milestones to plant the seeds for organizational expansion. 


Online learning for organizations can become a welcome alternative to the preferred mode of professional development, even after social distancing measures are relaxed and life returns to a new normal or near-normal state. Fortunately, the Internet, new technologies, and e-learning course developers are continuously improving. Consider the benefits mentioned above and look into the possibility of this next step into training and skills enhancement. 

Bihasa can offer you the best online course development services in the Philippines. Through our team of experienced e-learning course developers, you can idealize your existing content into a distance learning experience. With our help, you and your employees can enhance skills, learn new things, and boost optimal productivity. Connect with us today by emailing us at inquire@bihasa.ph.

Why Your Company Needs to Invest in Online Employee Training

In an ever-changing world, organizations all over the world scramble to find ways to keep their operations intact. One of the most promising methods involves your employees and staff members, which necessitates increasing employee engagement and satisfaction. Simply put, providing them with ample opportunities to grow and develop will keep them motivated and happy, ensuring that they stay with your organization for the years to come.

Bear in mind that the heart of your business lies in your employees, who are eager to learn, move up the career ladder, and turn into better professionals. You’ll want to provide them with resources to learn new skills, keep up with trends, and develop holistically. 

For many companies, this could mean arranging team-building activities, flying out to new places, and even attending countless seminars across the country. Although undeniably helpful, such methods no longer meet the demands of the modern workplace.

Thankfully, the progress brought on by technology has made online learning easier to access. It has since been used by businesses all over the world, empowered to finally provide their employees with comprehensive training programs and online courses.

Before fully investing in online learning, however, it’s first important to fully understand exactly what it means for your company. Without further ado, here are the top benefits you can expect to gain:

Benefit #1: Accessibility 

Seeing as online training is essentially web-based, you allow your employees to access the courses anywhere. They can do so at home, at the office, and even at a cafe, effectively eliminating the need to engage in short and long-distance traveling. This is also particularly helpful in scheduling, especially since not all your employees will be working in a set number of hours.

They’ll also be empowered to learn at their own pace and time, providing them with ample opportunity to completely digest what the course provides. Remember—learning takes time! By allowing them to engage as they see fit, you ensure that they benefit well from the online training. 

Benefit #2: Interactivity

Contrary to popular belief, online learning isn’t always isolated. Most online courses come with an online community, which further opens up your organization’s network. Here, courses come with an active platform designed to encourage your employees to share knowledge and ideas.

Engagement is only ever a click away, especially since commenting, liking, and asking questions are always welcome. Practical exercises can also be provided to be later perused for better and more interactive learning. Here, everyone is of equal importance and footing—making learning less intimidating for your employees. 

Benefit #3: Cost Savings

One of the most outstanding benefits online learning offers is cost savings, as businesses can now do away with onsite training that requires guest speakers, travel expenses, and even accommodation. Through an online program, you merely have to invest in a platform that can be utilized by every single person in the company, regardless of their current location. 

Qualified teachers are also readily available, who film their classes and speeches to be shared across the platform. In the modern world, learning does not have to be expensive. 

The Bottom Line

From everything gathered, we can deduce a crucial fact—online training benefits all the parties involved. This does not only include your organization or your employees. Your clients will eventually benefit as well, as they’ll now be showered with better service and knowledge. It could be the most valuable investment you can make as a business, as it resonates across time. Investing in your employees means investing in sustainable growth, after all. 

If you’re on the hunt for online course development services in the Philippines, Bihasa has you covered. We are one of the leading companies in the digital learning industry, dedicated to helping your company grow in more ways than one. With our e-Learning platform, you’re guaranteed excellence, value for money, and above all, success. Make an impactful investment today—reach out to us!

6 Benefits of Getting an eLearning Platform for Your Business

A growing business has evolving needs, which means you’ll need to scale accordingly to take advantage of your momentum and reach your targets. You’ll also have to invest in streamlining professional skills and knowledge development in all roles to ensure everyone grows right along with you, which can be done through eLearning platforms. Learning new things never stops, even in the corporate world!

Given the global shift to an online workplace, more companies are eschewing traditional courses in favor of eLearning ones, also known as a learning management system. With this platform, you can deliver digital courses to employees across the world, allowing them to improve their skills and learn whenever they’re available. They no longer have to go on long journeys to attend training sessions, allowing them greater flexibility and more incentive to learn. For companies that have employees who work varying shifts—with some even working in the night—this is ideal as everyone can gain access to premium learning content with zero time constraints.

This is good news for your business since they’ll be more inclined to finish the courses!

Here are six benefits of using an eLearning platform:

1. It Saves You Time and Money

Creating employee training programs through an eLearning company saves you hours and thousands of pesos in brainstorming, creating, managing, and delivering digital learning content. 

Online courses are automated, which means you won’t have to slave away at them like you would with traditional methods. You can make adjustments when necessary, ensuring the program is always in tune with your company’s needs. Say goodbye to tedious work and hello to cost-efficiency!

2. It Allows You Full Control Over Your Course

There’s no need to worry about things going awry with an eLearning platform. It provides you with complete control over your courses, allowing you to manage and administer them effectively while enjoying a seamless experience of communicating with staff and trainers. Learners can also share their assignments and projects with their managers by uploading them on the platform, essentially making it a one-stop shop for all learning needs. 

3. It’s Easily Accessible

Everything you need is located in your eLearning platform. As an added perk, it’s automatically organized in one place, which means all users can access what they need whenever they need it. The type of information an eLearning platform can hold ranges from multimedia content, evaluations, calendars, archives, courses, and more. To get the information you’re looking for, all you need to do is click a few times on the platform!

4. It Enables You to Customize Courses

An eLearning platform allows you to customize courses so that they’re an exact fit with your company, enabling you to reflect your brand in your content and remind staff of the values, mission, and messaging you follow. It will reinforce your corporate identity and image, especially when your team demonstrates it when interacting with your clients. They’ll be impressed at your employees’ consistency, making them more likely to give you their business.

5. It Offers Advanced Reporting Features

Getting an eLearning platform to train your staff delivers more than skill refinement and knowledge development. It is packed with advanced reporting features, giving you access to tools that help you evaluate tests and scrutinize the results. With more insight into the courses’ effectiveness, you can tweak the content accordingly to achieve your desired results. You can even personalize detailed reports that will help you assess the learners’ progress, giving them more information about what they excel at and where they can improve. 

6. It Lets People Learn on the Go

The ultimate benefit of eLearning platforms is that users can access the content from their smartphones or laptops. That means more and more staff can learn even when they’re mobile since they aren’t restricted to a standard work desk setup to take the courses. They’ll appreciate the flexibility and the ability to learn from the comforts of their home.


A company that constantly learns is one that always wins. Your employees fuel your productivity, so investing in them by working with a digital learning developer in the Philippines is a great way to propel your success. With these benefits, you’ll enjoy reaching new heights and achieve all your goals!

Bihasa is an eLearning company in the Philippines that is the leader in scientific digital learning. We work with companies to develop tailor-made digital courses that accelerate learning, drive results, and increase revenue, fit for an era of short attention spans and social distancing. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company thrive!

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